New Model: Is It a Suitable Model to Adapt to?

Life came to a standstill when we had to cope with the effects and aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. To survive the crisis, organizations eliminated the etiquette, hierarchy, and the so-called command-control equation that had been in place since time immemorial in the corporate world. A new model came into being, and it is right to say that this shift was spontaneous to suit the needs of the time.

At that time, the supply and demand chain was unpredictable. Such a scenario necessitated being agile, flexible, and emphasizing speed, especially when the world was reeling under volatility and disruption. With this situation, a new model emerged in operations management that couldn’t be avoided and had no alternative.

Was This Remodel Called Subsidiarity?

Most of the government entities, in particular, called remodel subsidiarity. The concept of subsidiarity dictates that political and social issues must be addressed immediately at a local level and should align with the resolution.

Such has been the shift in the companies, whether small or big. As such, managers who are used to the command-and-control model must adapt to the new model and see the benefits seamlessly.

Factors That Necessitated a New Model

Many factors pushed the shift to the new model in operations management. These are the factors below-

1. Trust

One of the pillars of the remodel is trust. Top management must show adequate belief in the juniors and the managers who are at the site and will make decisions. The managers at this level must be trusted, skilled, and expert.

2. Transparency

Operators need access to data to take relevant action and make decisions when needed. The leaders need to understand whatever happens in the company and with the workforce. As such, you must have clarity on the appropriate metrics and parameters pertinent to the organization’s goals and vision.

3. Technology and Transparency

Where there is technology, there must be transparency as well. This helps an organization gather, disseminate information, and pass it on to the leaders and the operators so that they can carry out their jobs well. Also, artificial intelligence plays a vital role in providing insights and invaluable data to people at different levels.

Having seen the dynamic environment in operations management, the new model has overtaken rather than replaced the model of command and control. It is not just about acting promptly; it is also about anticipating a situation promptly so that your managers can make decisions immediately to prevent or arrest any further harm by striking when the iron is hot!

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